Mullingar Shamrocks

Founded 1953

Co. Westmeath

Recent Articles

Recent Mullingar Shamrocks news and info

AGM Reminder

REMINDER and INVITE Our AGM takes place on Saturday evening at 8.00 pm in the Clubhouse in Spr...

Club Notes

Annual General Meeting Mullingar Shamrocks Annual General Meeting takes place on Saturday nigh...

Forum All-Set

Tomorrow Night 7.30-9.00: Mullingar Shamrocks Forum The response has been vey positive to the ...

Ladies Committee Meeting

Our ladies committe have scheduled a very important meeting for the Clubhouse in Springfield f...

Invitation to Club Forum

Invitation to Club Forum  This posting is potentially the most important one made in the ...

Happy Birthday, Mullingar Shamrocks

Mullingar Shamrocks, 64 Years Young! Today (16 January) is Mullingar Shamrocks’ sixty-fourth b...

Club Notes

Club Forum On the week of its sixty-fourth birthday, Mullingar Shamrocks have scheduled a Club...

Fitball Pilates

Fitball Pilates Starting tomorrow night (Friday) at 7.30 Orinta begins a fitball Pilates class...

Victory over Dubs

Patrick Fagan At least one Westmeath and Mullingar Shamrocks footballer has the satisfaction o...

Bingo Tonight

Bingo Tonight   Don't Forget .... Bingo tonight at 8.30 .... €1,500 in prizemoney...

The late Henry Bolger and Paddy Corroon

  Henry Bolger and Paddy Corroon The bad news continues and our thoughts and prayers toda...

Barry Kelly Honoured

Barry Kelly 50+ not-out Congrats to Barry Kelly who was presented with a gold medal by the Pre...

The Late Mary Hyland

The Late Mary Hyland Mullingar Shamrocks members were saddened this morning to learn of the de...

Congrats to Claire and Edward

Eddie and Claire We begin 2017 by congratulating a great Shamrocks warrior, Eddie Moore and Cl...

Happy Christmas to all ....

Happy Christmas Writing these notes has been an enjoyable and educating experience; the challe...

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