Mullingar Shamrocks

Founded 1953

Co. Westmeath

Recent Articles

Recent Mullingar Shamrocks news and info

Membership Now Due

Membership Fees It’s also that time of year when membership fees are due and our registra...

Club Notes

Registration Day It’s that time of year again; Saturday next, 18 February 2017 between 10.30 a...

Registration Day

Registration Day It’s that time of year again; Saturday next, 18 February 2017 between 10.30 a...

You can't beat Live Football

Don't Forget ... First adult game this evening in The Downs, ACL, Div.3 V The Downs at 3.30 .....

Last Man Standing Update

Last Man Standing Update The opening round of National Football League results proved a bit co...

Club Notes

Weekend Fixtures Busy times next weekend as our three teams take the field in their respective...

ACL Begins Next Weekend

Fixtures for Weekend, 11-12 February 2017 Saturday, 11 February, Div.3 v The Downs in The Down...

Last Man Standing Starts Tonight

Last Man Standing Starts Tonight   Round 1 of the League  Hot Teams  Dublin Tyr...

Next week in Springfield ...

Monday, 6 February 7.00-8.00: Spinning with Aidan. 7.30-8.30: Walking with Mags. 8.00-9.00: Ci...

Jivin Time in Springfiedl

Jivin Time in Springfield Mullingar Shamrocks are delighted to announce a 4 - Week Jive course...

Walking Club Starts Next Week

More Fun Things to do in Mullingar Shamrocks Finess Centre: Walking Club starting next week .....

Cograts! Anthony and Aoife

Congratulations to Anthony and Aoife Clinton on the latest arrival to the Clinton family .... ...

Club News

Annual General Meeting. Our Annual General Meeting was held in the Clubhouse in Springfield on...

Under-13s First-out in 2017 Season

Under-13s Begin the 2017 Playing Season Today Our under-13 footballers have the honour of...

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting When: Saturday evening 8.00 pm Date: 28 January 2017 Where: Clubho...

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