Mullingar Shamrocks

Founded 1953

Co. Westmeath

Wonderful Gala Night

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‘Absolutely Brilliant’, ‘Unbelievable’, ‘Fantastic’ Insert your own superlative and no matter how outrageous the comparison it will still be valid to describe the superb production of Grease – The Musical presented by Mullingar Shamrocks.

Thursday’s Gala Night was a massive success for the club on every front. All sections of the club came to the Arts Centre to honour the brilliant work of the producers and cast of the magnificent Grease.  Shamrocks legends led by the Killer himself, footballers, Scór people, under-age mentors, supporters, sponsors, all representatives of the life and times of Shamrocks were there. The feel good factor and the buzz around the Arts Centre on Thursday night (and every night of the show) will be hard to equal in the future in what was one of the great weeks in the history of the club (and there has been a lot of great weeks). Chairman Pearse got it spot on in his words at the end of the show when he proudly stated that there wasn’t another club chairman anywhere in Ireland standing on stage with such a talented bunch of people at that point in time.

The idea for the show began with Aaron Purcell (a long-time member of the Shamrocks Senior team) and Jemma McNamee (a winner of two All-Ireland Scór medals with Shamrocks). Niamh O’Shea, a great friend of Shamrocks over the years, brought her musical talents to the project and Jemma and Niamh informed Chris Corroon that he too was involved as Choreographer and ‘man of many parts’ to quote Pearse. Fortunately for us Ballinagore-man, Chris first stepped on to a Shamrocks stage many years ago in a Stars in Your Eyes show as Stevie Wonder singing Superstition. These were the people with the vision, but more importantly, as Pearse pointed out they were also the ones with the plans, determination, commitment and the ability to inspire the cast to produce a sparkling show. Clubs have plenty of people with vision but those with the ability to turn the vision into actual achievement are not as plentiful. Pearse acknowledge the many hours of hard work involved in perfecting the acting, the singing, the dancing, the music and set construction. The staff of the Mullingar Arts Centre were superb in their support in so many ways.

Shane Barkey’s programme-booklet design attracted as much favourable comment as the show itself and as he showed in his performance as Eugene he is no slouch on the stage either.

Shamrocks were fortunate in securing the support of Kieran Smith and Smiddy’s as main sponsor of the show; the Gala Night wine was sponsored by Jimmy Buckley and Super Value. On the night Sophie Hegarty and Áine Melody acted as wine hostesses and Ritchie Daly, Maeve Corroon, Kathleen and Caroline Oakes and Barbara Keena looked after the sandwiches and finger-food. Thanks to all those who helped-out on the nights of the show selling raffle tickets, programmes, organising prizes etc all coordinated by chairman Pearse and of course President Detty Cornally was there every-night doing one of the jobs that she is so good at: making money for the club.


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