Mullingar Shamrocks

Founded 1953

Co. Westmeath

Friday Night is Culture Night

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Friday Night is Culture Night …

And, the Mullingar Art Room Group, a group with strong Mullingar Shamrocks connections, are presenting a WEEKEND EXHIBITION in the Greville Arms Hotel which will be opened on Friday night by Noel O’Farrell at 6.00 pm.

All are invited. Peter Finch’s elephant collection included on the Mullingar Shamrocks Facebook page provides an indication of the quality of work on display.

Artists exhibiting their work include Peter Finch, Kieran Gaine, Mary Hunt, Richie Clarke, Kevin Meehan, Martina Cassidy, Bernie Fay, Tommy Bolger, Ann Keating and Gordon Duffy.

Refreshments will be served on the evening (even wine) and guests will have the opportunity of meeting the artists (and maybe even purchasing some artwork).

The exhibition remains open for viewing until 9.00 pm on Friday, on Saturday, 23 September (11.00 am – 9.00 pm) and Sunday 24 September (11.00 am -6.00 pm).

The Mullingar Art Room Group has been active since 2012 and the members meet every Thursday evening in the Mullingar Charity Variety Group premises in Forest Park.

New members are always welcome.

See you in the Greville on Friday at 6.00 pm.

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